Synthetic Organic Chemistry & Catalysis • University of Oxford

Martin Smith Research Group

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Oxford is one of the leading chemistry research departments in the world with around 80 academic staff carrying out international-level research, and an annual research income of around £15 million. The latest UK Research Assessment Exercise confirmed that Oxford Chemistry has the highest "power rating" (breadth and depth of science) in the UK. We are always looking to recruit talented scientists and if you are interested in working in our research group, please contact us directly with a CV.

Postdoctoral positions within the group will be advertised when funding is available. Postdoctoral workers are particularly encouraged to apply for independent funding, for example via EU Fellowships. Excellent candidates will receive strong support with these applications including assistance with research proposals.

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DPhil (PhD) positions are available in our group each year, usually starting in October. If you are interested in a DPhil with our group then please contact us. Details on the Department's application procedures can be found here. The Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthesis for Biology & Medicine has up to 10 fully-funded studentships available each year and we encourage applications to this centre of excellence in organic chemistry.

We usually take two to three part II students for their final year undergraduate research projects. The projects we offer vary significantly but are in line with the general research themes of the group. We have won departmental prizes for the work produced by part II students of the group for the last two years.

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